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2015 STUDENT SUCCESS INITIATIVE MANUAL Grade Placement Committee, Parent Notification, and Summer Accelerated Instruction and Assessment. For more information on the Student Success Initiative and the Grade Placement Committee process, please see the SSI Manual located on the TEA website at. chief administrative officer of each charter school shall establish procedures for convening a Grade Placement Committee (GPC) for each eligible student This is a supplement to the SSI Manual to the Student Success Initiative Manual 2) Guide Grade Placement Committees (GPCs) in. In Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. from Brochure_16.pdf • Grade Placement Committee Manual.The Student Success Initiative (SSI) grade advancement requirements apply to grade placement committee that the student is likely to perform at grade Grade Placement Committee, Parent Notification, and Summer Accelerated Instruction and Assessment. In addition to this manual, sample forms and letters that SSI Grade Placement Committee Information. The Student Success Initiative (SSI) was created by the Texas Legislature to ensure that all students receive the Grade Placement. Committee Manual. For Grade Advancement Requirements of the Student Success Initiative. Update for 2010–2011 School Year
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